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Yikilacak duvarlar

De vuelta a su ciudad natal después de sus estudios universitarios, Servan es testigo del incendio de su aldea y de una serie de otras atrocidades, que finalmente lo llevan a unirse a la resistencia kurda. En las filas del movimiento de liberación kurdo, resulta gravemente herido durante los enfrentamientos…
21 de December de 2023

Rewend – Wandering Cinema

The aim of Rewend - Wandering Cinema is to promote and distribute the cinematographic works produced by the Rojava Film Commune in Italy, Spain and France. To distribute and promote their film production and other films produced in northeast Syria, the Cinema Commune will be supported by OVNI (Barcelona) and…
5 de April de 2023

Children in a ‘Time of Impatience’

The movie Time of Impatience directed by Aydın Orak, which tells the story of two poor twin brothers who want to dive into a proper swimming pool in a luxury site, talks about the class distinction from the eyes of children. (more…)
5 de April de 2023

The Epic of the PKK – A movie

The work "The Epic of the PKK", published by the guerrilla group Awazê Çiya on the occasion of the 44th anniversary of its foundation, gives an insight into Kurdish history and the Kurdistan Workers' Party that is as stirring as it is poetic. (more…)
5 de April de 2023

Kurdish Film Festival London

Launched in 2001, the London Kurdish Film Festival (LKFF) is the biggest film festival of its kind, bringing together films from Kurdistan and the rest of the world to film audiences in London. LKFF is managed and produced by a team of volunteers. The festival has come a long way since…
5 de April de 2023

Rewend en Madrid: 2, 3 y 4 de junio

Los días 2, 3 y 4 de junio se celebrará en Madrid la muestra de Cine errante kurdo Rewend. Organizada por Rojava Azadi Madrid, las películas y los lugares de proyección serán: Jueves 2 de Junio 18:00 Ateneo la Maliciosa (C/ Peñuelas nº 12) “El fin será espectacular” (ficción) 117'…
27 de April de 2022