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The End will be Spectacular

War feature shot in the Kurdistan of Syria, in the middle of the armed conflict. The film tells the real story of resistance of a group of young people who faced the army to defend their neighbourhood and it is written based on the diaries of those who died and…
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Tevî Her Tiştî | Despite Everything

Kobanê had been besieged by ISIS in September 2014 and its citizens, united in People and Women’s Defense Units (YPG and YPJ) since the war in Syria began, in 2011, fought bravely for 4 months and managed to free their city under the eyes of the whole world, absolutely terrorized…
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Sîka Çiya yê Kurmênc | Shadow of the Kurdish Mountain

In January 2018, Serêkaniyê-based director and photographer Azed Evdikê is in Afrin a few days before the Turkish attack on the city. He came with a caravan of artists to prepare a week of cultural activities that were supposed to celebrate the coexistence in peace of the many nations, languages…
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Rûpelên Sor | Red Pages

We follow the journey of a writer who comes to Rojava to write her new book. During her research she learns about the revolution, self-sacrifice and love in a place where war takes everything.Original Title: Rûpelên Sor International Title: Red Pages Director: Dersim Zerevan Duration: 90’ Original Language: Kurdish Gender:…
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Piştî Mirinê | After Death

The story of a blacksmith whose life changed after the 2014 Islamic State attack on his city, Kobane. The blacksmith wanders the streets and alleys of his city and picks up the remnants of weapons and missiles and turns them into objects and artistic structures in an attempt to create…
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Pirtûkxane | Library

A librarian trying to create a culture of reading in a society away from books.Original Title: Pirtûkxane International Title: Library Director: Zilan Hemo Original Language: Kurdish Duration: 12’24’’ Production Country and Year: Northern and Eastern Syria Federation-Rojava, 2020 Production: Rojava Film Commune The Director Zilan Hemo was born in Kobanê on…
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Meme u Gule | Meme and Gule

Meme and Gule are two kids from a village near Kobane. They are very close and play together all day. One day their families have a fight and forbid them to play together. The two kids try different solutions to make peace between their families.Original Title: Meme u Gule International…
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Mal | Home

In a city destroyed by war, while society tries to come to terms with the consequences of extreme violence, a little girl finds a peculiar way to survive.Original Title: Mal International Title: Home Director: Sevinaz Evidke Original Language: no dialogue Production Country and Year: Northern and Eastern Syria Federation-Rojava, 2018 Duration:…
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Gorna 8 Emîn | Grave number 8

A short film that talks about a child who lost his life as a result of the shelling of Afrin by the Turkish state. His body was lost among the rubbles but his soul remained in the place. His mother visits his grave every day, rejecting the thought of his…
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Evîn Di Rûyê Qirkirinê De | Love in the Face of Genocide

The Yazidis isolated homeland in the mountains of Shengal has faced more than 74 massacres throughout its history, the most heinous of which were carried out by ISIS in 2014. Love in the Face of Genocide explores the impact of suffering, religion and cultural difference on the songs of love…
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Darên bi tenê | The Lonely Tree

A documentary exploring the “dengbej” musical heritage of the singers, poets and storytellers from Northern Syria’s Rojava region. Featuring a stunning scenery of poetic landscapes, the film is interlaced with stories of Kurdish and Assyrian songs that narrate the long history of love and suffering of this semi-autonomous region. With…
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The film is about a mural in one of the houses in Shehba. The house where child Roshan lives. The painting is a convoy of displaced Afrin people going through Mount Lilon (Dreams) after the occupation of the city by the Turkish state.  Original Title: Convoy International Title: Convoy Director:…
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Çîroka bajarên wêrankirî | Stories of Destroyed Cities

Reality and fiction blend in the stories of the people living in three cities, Sinjar (Shengal) in South Kurdistan, Kobane, and Jazaa in Rojava. The three cities have been destroyed by the Islamic State and liberated by Kurdish fighters. Three stories about the inhumanity and banality of modern war, but…
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Çavên Rêwî | Traveling Eyes

Traveling Eyes is a documentary on the exposure of the city of Afrin to the attacks by the Turkish state and the Syrian armed factions in 2018, which led to the occupation of the city and the displacement of its original residents.The film monitors the events during the attack and…
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Berfin is a young female guerrilla who has had to grow fast within Kurdistan war. As she tries to adapt to her new life at mountains peaks, she dives deep in her inner world seeking answers for her past. House raids, non-return leavings, the dead in the village square, the…
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After the war

After the war in Kobane families come back to their destroyed city and houses. Children of this families are looking for their old belongings in the debris in order to put their old life together again.  Original Title: Piştî şer International Title: After the war Director: Zilan Hemo Original Language:…
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In the 21st century, there was a people who lived among four states. It was a people living with no identity, no country, no language. Yet Kurds always resisted to the various occupiers. The world got to know the Rojava Revolution. And Rojava also got to know its historical identity…
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